Israel continues its air strikes on Syria, but denies it is advancing towards Damascus. Gold was once close to the 2,700 mark. It is reported that the Biden administration is working with the Trump team, and Gaza is expected to cease fire early next year. What major events happened around the world yesterday and this morning?
Barclays believes that the Federal Reserve has indicated that it can reduce its balance sheet while lowering interest rates, but recommends an early end to the reduction due to risk management considerations. Barclays still expects the Federal Reserve to end quantitative tightening in December and the FOMC (FOMC) to announce it in November. "In 2019, the scarcity of reserves exacerbated an already tense situation in the repo market, driving funding rates up sharply, causing severe disruptions to...
On June 16, Securities Exchange Commission Commissioner Mark Uyeda acknowledged that asset tokenization, including the tokenization of securities, has potential benefits, and that representing asset rights with digital tokens on the blockchain can provide "security, transparency, and immutability". Tokenization eliminates the need for intermediaries, thereby simplifying transactions and reducing transaction costs. Uyeda calls tokenization more...